I hate zombie day. I understand the premise, but it still violates my general assumption that everyone is a reliable narrator on lj.
I blame
cynthia1960. Last night I was looking at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, and found a perfume I wanted to buy. WTF, me? Why in the last couple years, have we become a person who wears perfume EVER, let alone seriously considers paying $15 for a TEASPOON of it.
Aelophile, if you're wondering. But probably not until after convention season. At least being ever-changeable myself helps me when other people prove to be growing and evolving beings too. Also, when that is what rare oils cost, you can really understand why Jesus' disciples flipped out over the whole
pre-burial anointing. Also, in an era of less bathing, he would have been scented for DAYS.
No corset for Convergence either, due to my inability to be pushy. Oh, well. Tonight I am going to set up the fabric-cutting table and get to work. I want to get the parts for my purse cut out, and get started on sil's vest (the fabric came yesterday, and it is hulariffic), and maybe, if I am feeling ambitious/brave, the David Bowie skirt. Which gives me the heebie-jeebies, but I am thinking about the sage advice from the dress-a-day lady about how failure in sewing is not the worst thing ever. But... it's a Vogue pattern. With alterations. And bias-cutting. Eek. On the other hand, the fabric cost me less than $20. Oh, and I would probably be a happier person if I stopped and got the backing and lining for sil's vest. He vetoed both scarlet and yellow, so I am thinking either black or white. And some interfacing. I am finally out. And maybe I will save the buttonholes for when I have someone to hold my hand. Fastenings of all sorts thwart me. Zippers, buttons, frog-closures -- they're all hard.
I have a sewing triage list. Now that sil's quarter is over, I can (attempt) to reclaim my sewing desk.
1) Purse
2) Vest
3) Skirt
4) Kay's (ahem) baby quilt
5) Blueberry's quilt (waiting for inspiration. Many blueberry fabrics
too girly.
Not bad. Maybe. Too white. )
I have a knitting triage list too, but it makes me anxious.
The other list I have is a cleaning list. It needs doing, but is not making me happy.
In other news, "graduation" last night was adorable. The kids hit their marks, if by that we mean, went up to their teacher, retrieved a diploma, and held it over their tummies while looking at photo-teacher. And the potluck had some rice-and-chicken thing of remarkable tastiness, and someone was smart enough to bring mac&cheese. Then my parents and brother went home, and I spent some time texting people, and some time mincing gingerly across uneven ground, and a fair bit of time talking to the mom of one of Baz's friends. She's like awesomemom. I invited her up to go roller-skating with us some Saturday. I also suggested that she try feeding her allergic child claritin instead of benedryl, so he would be less logey.
Oh, and one of the dads at the playground, as he was gathering up his kids to go, instructed them to pick up three pieces of other people's trash for disposal. I was impressed by this idea. He shrugged and said that the army gets to you after a while. That makes, by my count, at least three parents who are active-service.
I let the kids play until 8, then loaded them in the car and we drove home. I sang them songs until Fife. Baz was in an especially curious mood and wanted to know all about why the flowers were dying, and why it was a sad song. Then he wanted important songs. About God. And growing plants. And then a silly song about fish. And can I mention that there is a lot of theology packed into the camp songs I know? Unpacking is hard, even for the simplest. After all, what does it mean "to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God"? What is justice? What is mercy? What is the difference?
Kay was asleep when we got home, and Baz went to bed with no protests. I stayed up and knitted and watched CSI: Miami (surprising!) and an old House episode (astronaut of remarkable cuteness).
Then I went to bed and read my last two Global Frequency issues. Mmm. Aleph was delicious, and I'm glad it was later in the series.
Determining whether you are confronting someone with a bluetooth headset or mental illness is entirely dependent on how they are dressed. Textual analysis is no help, I realized, as I skirted someone who was presenting their back to me. They were dressed inappropriately for the weather (tight shorts), and going on about dropping into the maw of the monster. As I came around the front, I realized she was a bike messenger. Probably the conversation made sense in context.