No, really, I don't. But that is frequently how I feel standing in front of my closet and contemplating my options. For wiscon, in light of my offsite-hotel room, I am trying to plan out outfits before I pack. It seems more efficient. What I want is a variety of
bright-colored skirts and tops that fit and flatter, and are temperature-appropriate for very cold airconditioning. And I would like to not look like I am smuggling watermelons anywhere, and I would like my nipples not to be a traffic hazard. And if I could also look both hip and approachable, that'd be good. And how can I have 5 black skirts and not one of them is right to wear with a cute t-shirt? Why don't I own an electric blue skirt, huh?
So here I am, making a packing list, and wishing I hadn't missed my chance to go shopping with mom last week. I could maybe have talked her into this
blue top, which would be awesome with my hair. Maybe a
black skort. Arg.