Free Comic Day

May 04, 2008 23:27

We went, although not in Mario costumes. What follows is my one-sentence reviews of all the stuff we picked up, grouped roughly by effectiveness.

Going on my pull-list
Superman: Allstar -- And in a win for Free Comic Day, I read and was intrigued by a title I would have walked right past on the shelves. But this is Superman and the problem of mortality. Awesome!
NeoZoic -- Very pretty art, kickass girl protaganist, dinosaurs. I am contemplating moving this one up a category. It's bi-monthly.

I liked it, but maybe not enough to increase the weekly bill
Hellboy: The Golden Army -- I don't know that this is a real comic, more like the movie prequel
Maximum Ride -- It's like the cute harmless cousin of Freakangels. Now with big eyes.
Hellboy -- The Mole was just weird, but Bishop Olek's Devil was, well, weird, but a better grade of weird.
Marvel Adventures: Ironman & Hulk & Spiderman -- Two of these are already on our pull list, and undiluted Hulk doesn't much appeal to me.
Love and Capes -- Very cute superhero romantic comedy.
X-Men -- Pixie fights demons. It was cute, but paradoxically, did not leave me wanting more. In itself a nicely rounded little story, and you don't need to know a damn thing about the X-men, for good or bad.
Amelia Rules -- Oh, awesome cute tweenage problems. I think I will probably just skulk around and order the TPBs. I sort of want them on hand for my kids, and also for me. No powers or demons. "This totally sucks. I mean he [her dad] joined the army, but I got drafted."

Eh-to-bad, but at least free
Transformers Animated -- Looks like screencaps from a mediocre Saturday morning cartoon. Reads like it, too. Weirdly curvy Transformers.
Dan Dare/The Stranded -- Both mediocre
Worlds of Aspen -- Fathom and Soulfire both left me unmoved, but Executive Assistant is, well, it's not feminist, that's for sure, but it was interesting. Orphan plucked from the streets and turned into assassin/girl friday/sex slave.
Atomic Robo -- Robot with a heart of gold, and pants. Boring.
Arcana Presents -- Hated them all. Especially the Cousin-It forest creatures.
The Death-Defying Devil -- Evidently, Devil can't talk. This in no way excuses the stultifying dialog.
Tiny Titans -- Cute, but I got all the characters confused, and suspect it requires background knowledge to find really funny.
Broken Trinity -- I hated every single character. All of them. I hated the exposition as if it were three characters worth of suck.
Gekiga -- Japan has given up on exporting electronics, and has now turned to Depressing Comics with Lots of Whitespace

Um, and there's a bunch of kids comics like Disney that I haven't read yet, because I think once will be enough.


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