LT and I watched North Country last night. It's really really good. It's a movie about the first sexual harrassment class action lawsuit, filed by women working in a taconite mine in Northern Minnesota.
It is not, mind you, a good date movie. Like Ibsen's plays and Othello, it's chancy and scary and makes you think longingly of violence or gender seperatism. The male characters are not all caricatures, but the brutality is so overwhelming and pervasive that we kept asking ourselves if it were true, if it was possible that this was happening so recently. How could that be true, that 5 years and 300 miles away, I could sit in my college class and not think about my gender except in abstract, lit-crit kinda ways? Hello, I am Wired's Privilege. And I am HUGE.
It was also really.... true. Believable. The complicated politics of being the nail that sticks up, and needing a job that requires you to sacrifice your dignity. The legion of ways to get people to shut up.
Also, I have been reading more of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell. I think it had me at "chuse". So I am finally getting up to the part where we might, possibly, maybe meet Jonathan Strange. We'll see.
No one else hates the colors Gospel picked for his hat, and confirm the marinery-nature of them, so I guess I will keep on. Sock Wars starts on the 22nd, and if I get a move on, I could have the hat finished by then. Well, knitted. I figure I'll do a rudimentary fulling, tack on the trim, and do a final fulling at Christmas, when I will hopefully have his actual head. Only, wait. We will probably not be co-located at Christmas. Hrm. Of my other current projects, the first armwarmer has been appropriately lengthened, and I'm making progress on the second. I need to finish these soon, because I was cold at work today, and washing my hands felt really, really good. I also have a lace scarf going, mostly as an experiment. On the bright side, the lace pattern is essentially only one line to memorize. On the down side, it's going to get pretty tedious, considering that I've got about 5 inches done and 55 to go. And it's hard to work on the bus, because of the fine-ness of the yarn and needles. And the stole has been languishing without being touched in two weeks, because I had to frog back to the border YET AGAIN. And I started swatching for the new armwarmers, but I decided that I either needed more armwarmers, or to finish at least ONE of the projects I currently have on #4 needles (the stole is a candidate for needle theft), because I know I have to swatch round things in the round, but if I cast on enough to do a proper swatch on one needle, I might as well just make the damn thing, so I want two. (Hi, my name is Wired, and I am addicted to multiple circs) And really, do I need 5 #4 circs? Probably not. Tempting, though...
The pickles weigh 3 pounds. Amazing, isn't it?
Other things the kids and I did yesterday:
Cleaned up our toys.
Ate meals.
They took a bath.
We cleaned up downstairs, and I vacuumed.
We all had a satisfying nap.
Baz played his Lego Star Wars and Reader Rabbit.
Kay went for a stroll with Grandmama.
We read some books.
They helped measure ingredients for fudge.
Those are all nice things that they enjoyed (more or less). And it wasn't unmanageable for me. I was kinda freaking out, because next quarter, I lose my day "off", and only have kidful days to accomplish all the householdy stuff that needs to get done. I can do it. I will be more worn down without my morning of napping and afternoon of introversion, but I can make it to January, I hope.
What a beautiful idea:
Reverse Graffiti.