Jan 07, 2009 05:44
I'm sorry but I find it fucking hilarious how everytime the Yankees sign someone that player IMMEDIATELY becomes a lifelong Yankees fan. I'm sorry, but a lot of these guys lately are around my age. Let me explain something to everyone: in the late 80s and early 90s the Yankees weren't winning shit. They had ZERO fans outside of New York. And honestly, at the time a lot of people in New York were Mets fans. The Mets had Darryl Strawberry and Doc Gooden during that era, two of THE hottest young stars of the eighties. They won A LOT. Say what you will but kids usually follow a team for one of two reasons: either it's their hometown team and they go to a lot of their games OR that team wins a lot and is therefore more popular. This means that either their few fans from that era grew up into awesome ballplayers that would eventually sign ridiculous contracts to play for a team that wasn't their hometown team when they were growing up but were inexplicably their "favorite" team, OR (and much more likely) they're fucking lying through their teeth. I'm just saying.