Jan 31, 2004 19:48
Today was pretty interesting. I had to get up at 10:00 (way way way too early) to go work consetions for basketball games. It turns out that I get NO track credit and that I was just SUCKERED into it. It turned out to be ok though.
I enjoy taking other peoples money. Little does Steph know that when she bought something I gave her back a whole dollar less than what she should have gotten back. Muwahahaha....
Let's see, what all happened...Well Eric spilt almost a whole back of nochos on the floor, I dropped like 5 hot dogs, some kid asked if we sold condoms, a guy with HUGE ears came to work at the consetion therefore stealing my sales so I was forced to curse him behind his back. First when I asked where the open buns were he points to them like I'm a complete IDIOT, then when I'm making nochos so that we'd be prepared he TAKES THAT AWAY FROM ME SAYING HE CAN HANDLE IT, and then this guy was coming towards me so I could take his money in exchange for food when the BID EARED DUDE cut me off and took his money. I was thoroughly upset. When I was getting a pop for some punk out of the fridge thing the big eared man was putting stuff in and I was very seriously thinking about shutting his ear in the door.
When we closed up Steph decided to try to pummel me with her water bottle. I retaliated using my pop bottle and it turned into a semi-sword fight thing that lasted a whole loop around the gym. Then I kicked her in the finger and she got pissed and had a spaz attack over it. After that we relized that we had left our coats in the consetion thing and had to locate a janitor to open the little door for us to get in. I forgot that, since we worked there, we got free candy and so when I went in to get Steph's and Eric's coat I started stuffing my pants with candy. Since I thought the janitor might ask to see my pockets I actually put the candy down my pants. I rolled back out the little doorway to have the candy fall down out of my pant legs. I walked out of the gym all bent over like shins hurt when actually I was trying to hold all the candy.
Afterwards we went to Seth's house were Seth was dying because of the sickness Steph gave him. As Peggy said..."KEEP YOUR TOUNGUES TO YOURSELVES" Haha. But during this time we discovered Steph is majorly color blind and thinks her blues are greens, vise versa, and then the same with yellow and orange, pink and red. She thought several fruit whose names are their color were different color. Seth and I even got her believing I was black, which I am. :D. When we were leaving Seth's, Steph decided to have another huge spaz attack and then threw me into a couch and being smacking me shouting "I'M NOT DUMB, I'M NOT DUMB!" After awhile I told her she was done with that and she mixed up "done" for "dumb" and began beating me again. She wasn't a girl anymore after that....she became a wild beast who wanted to rip out my organs and feast upon them.
I'll note that during the course of the day Steph and I switched personalities. She became Emo and I was an emotionless shell. During the course of our consetion work I made hateful comments, said I hated people and wanted to shoot them in the leg, and then muttered "I don't care" after anything anyone said. Steph burst into a fake cry, then either turned depressed over little things or became elated or furious. Mood swings, mostly.
Also my mother killed a bird when we went to get dinner. Goddamn pigeon flew right into the windshield and flew up over the car.
Now I have a huge stomach ache from all the skittles I ate. "I don't care".