In part, I suspect, because my recent fannish activity has actually been on LiveJournal. (The kink_las challenge that I've been involved in. Which seems to have stalled out for the moment.) And in part because I've been trying to diminish my fandom involvement. Apart from kink_las, I've barely written fic in a while. I haven't really been
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I'm wondering if part of the Mystfic thing was age of exposure? I have to admit, I was 8 when Riven came out and I got exposed to it. At the time I was all "aww Atrus and Catherine! aww" and I had never even considered shipping anything else. But about 2 years later I hit the whole liking-people thing, and I was starting to figure out that I liked girls. So even around 10 part of me was like "so Veovis is so jealous that Anna is stealing Aitrus" (because if I liked girls then clearly Veovis could like boys), and then part of me was like "you know, he also sort of seems to like Anna", and then my brain jumped to "so clearly they should ALL DATE". So I think I developed at OT3 habit at 10. *facepalm*
(Also, rereading BoT now is not helping. I swear there really is subtext, and not just because I'm looking for it. And it makes me want to smash everyone's head and go "but GUYS you could have FIXED THIS SO EASILY.")
But yeah, I think because Myst was such an *early* fandom for many people, (like pre-teens or early teens), no one considers shipping anything beyond the two major canon het-ships. I will still probably write drabbles and short shipping Veovis with Anna, Aitrus, or both. I just feel like I should mostly put them on AO3 and that I should expect to not get many readers and to probably be un-betaed.
Earliest fandom was the original Battlestar Galactica. I grew up on grainy VHS tapes of it for as long as I can remember, and I can distinctly recall at 5 or 6 writing short 1 page stories and pretending I had a Viper. So I grew up with "my" version ingrained, and naturally hissed at the reboot. Now with the reboot, everyone thinks Starbuck is a girl and Boomer is a girl and a Cylon and not black, and ugh ugh ugh I feel unloved. and the tiny TOS BSG community is all about the Apollo/Starbuck slash, so I feel that the ships I would write in it would be unread anyway because one is het and one is femmeslash. (Because there needs to be bridge-officer/fighter-pilot space opera femmeslash, in the BSG universe or in others!)
Though there are other fandoms I was exposed to that early that I don't have shipfic limitations on. Star Trek, for example. Though Myst is unusual in that, with very few exceptions (mostly in BoT), the story focuses entirely on a single family, so everything is either canon or wrong. So that kind of sinks in as a blanket limiter, along with the overall inclinations of the fandom...
Huzzah! for developing an early OT3 habit. :D One of my childhood things-that-I-read was Elfquest, so I think I kind of subliminally absorbed the idea pretty early on. (It's actually lampshaded in canon, when a wise elder asks one leg of the primary love triangle if it could be settled as a triad, and he just laughs and shakes his head, because he and the other guy Would Not Work Out. But this is not to say there aren't other triads/moresomes floating around.)
Ahhh, yeah, I can see why that is a fandom that gets no love, with how popular the reboot is. (I have seen neither, though I'd like to see at least some of both at some point.) And most of what I know about the original is through fandom osmosis, which is to say that Apollo and Starbuck are married.
I agree with the awesomeness of space opera femmeslash. So agree.
...damn it, I think you have awakened an unknown craving!
I think you're right about how fixed the Myst canon is, and that definitely affects it. Oh well, I will just have to fight the good fight, be the only one doing it, and keep posting at AO3. Between Myst non-het and BSG classic femmeslash, I think I am just doomed to being the sole champion of rare pairings.
Yeah, now I'm wanting to go looking for those novel notes where I was working on a space opera, because there was a main pairing in that universe that was femmeslash. If you find any good fandoms for it let me know, I could definitely use some.
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