Doctor Who has invaded my dreams

Jan 06, 2011 01:25

Wound up sleeping way the hell in this morning (er, afternoon), partially due to getting bogged down in extremely vivid dreams.

These days, I'm kind of all or nothing with dreams. Either there's nothing I can remember, or my brain goes to town and sucks me down so deep that it's very hard to wake up.

There was a metric fuckton of stuff going on in my head last night. I think perhaps the true highlight was my brain creating an extra season of Doctor Who, a sort of buffer season between seasons 4 and 5 (of the new series.) Before regenerating in the Matt Smith incarnation, the Doctor went through some sort of time-backlooping oddity and spent a season (or at least a string of episodes, it may not have been a full thirteen) as Peter Davison. As he appeared in Time Crash; he was the proper age for a modern season and everything.

(Which seems like an idea with interesting potential. Because now that I'm thinking about it while conscious: this would probably mean Five dealing with the ramifications of the Time War, the different universe that the new series Doctors inhabit, and that would be very interesting...)

Transitions get fuzzy, as with dreams, but there was another Doctor plotline which involved some big bad figuring out how to curse him, essentially, so that he simultaneously felt every injury inflicted upon every version of himself. (Because apparantly my subconscious likes Doctor-torture.) This started with Eleven, and seemed to involve some sort of regression back through the regenerations (which might feed into Five's presence). The initial phase of it seemed to involve carving certain words upon him. Which led to the very clear image of a shirtless Eleven with arms and chest covered with lines and sigils--not bleeding much, just sort of open cuts--and him sitting there looking more puzzled and alarmed than in pain, feeling himself and trying to figure out what the hell it said.

There was also a bit of a multi-fandom crossover involved, because there was a credit sequence for Deep Space Nine--which of course, since this was a dream, was not the real credit sequence. I recall actually saying, in the dream, that this was the season where the credits got really serious about this being a gritty show, because it was mostly a montage of dramatic and depressing moments. Very clear image of the entire main cast, including Jake, dusty and dirty and sleeping huddled in gray blankets during some sort of occupation of the station. Random other stuff which is much vaguer on recall. And then the credit sequence progressed to a "ships fly by magnificently" sort of thing, which was somehow very interactive, and I could move around them and feel them loom over me. Everything was in scale, so the Millenium Falcon (yup, CROSSOVER) zipping by was tiny. The viewers raised a huge cheer when the Defiant (also rather itty) finally zipped across the screen, of course.

The episode that this was the credit sequence for involved the Doctor as a guest star, and the whole cross-regeneration curse business that I went into above. So clearly my brain thinks in crazy crossovers.

Hm. That was longer than I expected. But it seems vaguely entertaining and worth writing down.

dreams, who, random

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