Aug 25, 2010 16:30

So I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off with no free time for the past while.

A few highlights...

- I'M INNA MUSICAL. And I'm the costume designer for it. (Why? Because I'm crazy. Also see: no free time.) Jesus Christ Superstar opens at MIT on Friday, September 3rd. Go see it! Better yet, go see it on Friday, September 10th, because that's my birthday!

- mllelaurel and I have started up, and are co-running, a multi-fandom RPG on Dreamwidth: Island of the Lost. It's slow at the moment, partially because I've not had any time to work on it, but it should be picking up... *evil grin*

- Within the week (HO SHIT PACKING), I am moving in with the awesome fiddle_dragon and her adorable dog.

- I so do not have time to do King Bingo. (Which I just mistyped as Kink Bongo.) Amnesty fics coming later.


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