The ever-lovin' book meme.

Jan 30, 2003 22:06

Book you keep meaning to read that always gets bumped to second place by new purchases: Um, besides everything on my shelves?

Book you put down halfway through and never got back to: The Once and Future King. (T. H. White?) Twice, in fact.

Book you love and can never convince anyone else to read: The Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson. Maybe I just scare them when I talk about it.

Book you'll never read no matter how many people tell you you should: Not anything I can really think of. Although I make a point of avoiding Dickens.

Children's book that no-one else remembers except you: Mistress Masham's Repose, by T. H. White. Lilliputians in England, and a great deal of delightful silliness. What introduced me to Gulliver's Travels, and not the other way around. Also Sam the Cat Detective--forget the author--which was a hard-boiled detective story, only with cats instead of people. I think upon the laundry jokes still.

Children's book everyone seems to have read that you've never read / heard of: Ummm...Tuck Everlasting. Also vaguely remember trying to read The Swiss Family Robinson but fled in terror because I found it deathly dull.

Book you loved on first reading which on subsequent readings wasn't as good as you remembered: The vast majority of my beloved stack of Star Trek novels.

Most Overrated / Overhyped Book or Author, in your opinion: The Hobbit. I mean, next to Tolkien's greater works...

Most Underrated / Misunderstood Book or Author, in your opinion: Lord Dunsany. Why isn't he more widely known?

meme, books

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