Blogathon post #25: More stufffff!

Jul 31, 2010 20:59


Also, this scene not finished yet due to trying to cram lots of stuff in. But should be finished in next post.

"Chief," Allen calls urgently in his ear. "Please stay out of this one, it's designed for KOS-MOS at her maximum combat capacity within this sim. Or at least let me transfer in an A.G.W.S. for you..."

Shion considers that for a moment. She's had basic training in piloting A.G.W.S.s, the large mobile armor suits that are the current front line of Gnosis defense. And she took to it well. But... "Yes, and then I won't get clear data. Good idea though." She can feel her blood pounding in her ears, likes the idea of charging in against the thing, or even just sniping from afar with her M.W.S., but the data streaming by on her connection gear catches her eye. This is the first time, even in simulated combat, that KOS-MOS has fought at this capacity. Her speed alone is stunning, the ease with which she can turn her weight on a dime, charge in for another attack, dodging its flailing arms. It throws her; she lands, graceful as a cat, on the wall, and springs back towards it.

"Allen, you getting this?"

"Yeah." There's a trace of awe in his voice. "Yeah, she's doing so well..."

KOS-MOS skids to a halt, feet plowing furrows in the ground, and plants herself. "Shion, please remove yourself another two meters from the radius--"

She stops mid-sentence. Shion stares at her for a moment, eyes wide, as her body jerks, twitching like a live circuit. Not her usual graceful motion, not her poise, more like she'd been two years ago--


"Chief!" Allen yelps in her ear, at almost the same time. "What's going on?" She's not even sure whether that's directed at her or his team.

"There's--there's a brand-new network being created within KOS-MOS' mainframe!" The voice is distant, one of the techs. Not somebody she can recognize offhand, especially not with interference. "This is incredible! I've never seen a 'net grow like this, not in person...look at it, sir! Portions of the map are evolving..." His voice trails off. The drone lunges for KOS-MOS where she's frozen in place, and Shion whips her M.W.S. up, hits what she hopes is the right button, and sends a heavy shell flying into its chest, knocking it back.

"KOS-MOS, do you read? Engage the enemy! Allen, gather the data!"

"Chief," Allen stammers in her ear, "we don't even know what's going on right now, you can't--"

"Affirmative," KOS-MOS pronounces, and then she raises her blade and lunges.

This post is part of Letterblade's Blogathon 2010 madness, to raise money for Heifer Project International. Please go here to pledge your support.

xenonovel, xenosaga, blogathon

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