Hi, Kingdom Hearts fansquee, get out of my hindbrain

Feb 23, 2010 01:49

So in between mad work on finishing LARPs in time for Intercon and various other Things I Must Do, like more request ficlet foo, I shall of course take time to procrastinate on LJ.

Presenting: Kingdom Hearts Pairings I Like!

Sora/Riku/Kairi: For the overwhelming cuteness and fuzziness that, despite my aversion to cuteness and fuzziness and popular het (or partially het) pairings, I LOVE. Fast becoming another OT3 of mine, for realz.

Axel/Roxas: For the canon-stop-punching-me-in-the-heart PAIN. And awesome, and sexy, and PAIN.

Larxene/Marluxia: For the kinky, torture-ridden, non-heteronormative politisexing het WIN. Now with bonus electroculture.

Ah, heck, I can take nearly any Org[y] XIII pairing happily. Zexion/Lexaeus, Xemnas/Saix for the obvious ones. Xigbar and Demyx are my little black dresses and I <3 them both. (Demyyyyyyyyyyx! Stop killing me wetly!) Marluxia/Axel or Marluxia/Larxene/Axel are win.

Roxas/Riku is hard to pull off but awesome. I have maybe a tiny kink for Axel/Sora. (Bonus threesome with Roxas, somehow?) Kairi/Namine makes me DIE OF KITTEN CUTE.

Bonus HOT-WRONG? Marluxia/Sora. HOT-WRONG, I say.

Marluxia seems to get in this a lot too. Hmm. Xigbar/Marluxia/Demyx black dress OT3?

Also, we're not even going to get into the results of the random pairing generator I hacked together in Rails...

kingdom hearts, fandom

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