Jan 15, 2010 10:11
Tail end of a flu + car trapped in ice + fucked up sleep schedule + frequent loss of phone and internet + girlfriend who eats my brain (<3333) = complete lack of productivity and communication.
I have got to stop doing this to people. I suck. Now I need to get back in touch with multiple people whose time-critical emails/calls I missed or space-cased on, which is something I have severe social phobias about. And I just lost about half of this month doing nada. Shit shit shit.
Yesterday: laundry. Today: more laundry, finishing a jewelry commission, getting a quote on my poor hamburger nose of a car, picking up some packages at work, a party I am nervous about. (Somebody hit him--him being my car--while he was parked at some point, breaking a headlight and knocking the hood a few inches askew. I really really really hope my pet body shop can just replace the skewed brackets and not the entire hood, because I have no hopes whatsoever about getting money out of that legalized scam called insurance.)
Tomorrow: hitting Arisia. I'm going to see if I can sneak in without buying a membership, because all I ever do at Arisia is wander the halls and flirt with people anyway, I never go to programming, and I'm unemployed and broke and so forth. Fuck it, I just want my con sex. -.-