OKAY. This is me taking a breather for a bit after that last bit of SOLID STARKPAIN.
*recovers and breathes*
That sort of thing is more intense at 3 AM during Blogathon. Writing it, I mean. It's like adigiojafojaosjdfpo kposfiiioeopppfp. That.
So there is, like, this little 3-inch Joker figure on the table next to my computer. And earlier somebody dropped a bag of Skittles, which I had been craving, on the table next to me, and I'd gone to open it, and it had proven stubborn. (One of the big one-pound ones.) I didn't have the strength to open it. And I pick him up and I say something along the lines of, "Hello, Mr. Joker, would you please open my Skittles for me?" And make Joker-attacked-Skittles-bag motions. This led several people to declare that Tory had gone bye-bye for the evening.
dalious left, he took a little one-inch monkey and positioned it neatly at the Joker's crotch.
This display is now sitting next to my laptop as I type.
Ladies 'n' Gents, Blogathon. Boobs and rubber chickens and hot Joker-on-monkey action.
And now I need some caffiene so as to deal with more Andrea. My typos are proliferating alarmingly. Could someone please recommend a good typo spray?
Though, y'know, where hot Joker action is concerned, I second somebody's call--
jamailith? One of you wonderfulcrazy Iron Man movie folks--for Joker/Batman. Because, yeah, after the Dark Knight, necessary. And I know crap about Batman.
This post is part of
the Fanfiction Frenzy for Planned Parenthood, which is
wired_lizard's outing for
Day of Blogs, and has raised $235 so far. Like what you see? Please consider donating!