FF->PP: Post 16: FIC: Stars, Marvelverse, genderflip AU, gen

Jul 26, 2008 16:29

My writerbrain is lagging already. NOT ON.


New York City, Museum Way, fall of 1970

Andrea Stark has barely slept in two days. They'd pushed up the schedule on the new cluster bombs, she'd spent half of Wednesday on the phone trying to talk a string of assholes into giving her the right materials, and she hasn't had nearly enough to drink to make the headache go away. Which is why she's here, poured into a slinky dress with her hair up and discreet bandages on the burns on her hands from the workshop, a thousand dollars worth of diamonds dangling from her ears.

Comes up wavering just a little in her heels and grabs a flute of champagne from the nearest waiter.

Vernon Van Dyne throws the kind of Thanksgiving party that takes up a floor of the Met and has two bands, working in shifts. Andrea peers through the lights, feeling dizzy in homely, familiar way, and cruises. Gets squinty eyes from the Vanderbilt cousin she dated for two months until he freaked out that night on the roof when she was drunk. Gulps champagne and shakes hands with a few black ties. Her dress is cut low in front, lower in back; murmurs follow in her wake.

She's thinking about fragmentation patterns and how to write them up in a report, and that makes her grab another glass. She hasn't seen anyone yet who isn't boring. Well, boring, or who she hasn't already fucked. Damn it, she thinks; it's been more than a week; Ty's been dogging her.

There's a young man in a sleek navy suit with lapels cut like lightning. Hair something close to long slicked straight and combed over one side of his face. Sly smile and a laugh.

She goes to the bar and looks behind her. Slim, tight bottom.

She's got a scotch and a hunger in her belly. Not going to worry about a damn thing now.

"Ian," he says with a toothless smile. "Ian Van Dyne." His eyes are bright and careless. Oh, yes.

They're in his bedroom by two in the morning.


This post is part of the Fanfiction Frenzy for Planned Parenthood, which is wired_lizard's outing for Day of Blogs, and has raised $235 so far. Like what you see? Please consider donating!

fic!, marvel, blogathon

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