Jul 26, 2008 07:05

And it's 9 o'clock on a Saturday, the regular crowd shuffles in. There's a young man standing next to me, making love to a fluky power-in.

Hi, it's Blogathon!

A few things as far as kick-off posts go:

- I forgot to make this clear earlier, I think: I will be spamming the heck out of you guys for the next 24 hours. Feel free to take me off your f-lists if this drives you nuts.

- On the other hand, if you find this interesting? Pimp, please! And/or donate! That's the point of this thing, after all!

- I am still planning for my primary Blogathon project to be Stars. (Marvelverse, Avengers gender-flip AU, gen, character-driven.) If I get bored with that or blocked on that, I reserve the right to spam you with other fanfiction. Also, anyone who donates $30 or more gets a fic request. (This means you, delerone!) Requests to be answered during Blogathon or within the next week, depending upon how things go.


This post is part of the Fanfiction Frenzy for Planned Parenthood, which is wired_lizard's outing for Day of Blogs, and has raised $115 so far. Like what you see? Please consider donating!


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