FF->PP Blogathon Initiative (Fic Frenzy for Planned Parenthood, of course!) is off to a ROCKIN' START.
$105 raised!
Donor love to:
deleroneeustaciavye On an unrelated note:
a) Took a spill on an uneven sidewalk in high heels this morning. Ankle: swollen, nice big rainbow bruise, and in constant and varying degrees of pain. Can walk and drive, but within limits and generally a lot of yowling. (Because when it comes to pain? I r a huge wuss.) One of the nastier sprains I've gotten. No Flea or parties this weekend for me. :(
b) Have been planning for quite some time now to pick up a rename token and change my LJ username to letterblade. Because, y'know, consistent naming makes it easier for people to keep track of me. Figured I'd want to do it soon so that it wouldn't get too mixed up with all the Blogathon promotion. Went to buy the rename token, and then just stopped and stared at my username.
wired_lizard. I've been
wired_lizard for six years plus by now.
c) I don't take well to change.