Oh, should've posted this a while ago

May 04, 2008 19:53

Blurbed this in email, in response to nevacaruso passing on from a forum discussion the pairing proposal of Ruka/Mikage/Miki.

"Joining us?" Ruka asks, casually. Next to him, next to all that long, rangy, perfectly honed body, Miki feels tiny.

"I'd really better not," he answers, very dry.

Ruka and the other man--Miki doesn't even know what to properly call him, with the narrow face in the shadows--exchange but a slight glance. "Any particular reason?" He doesn't sound disappointed. Just curious. His warm callused fingers--warmer than they have a right to be--are brushing the back of Miki's neck. Twisting a fine strand of blue hair round his forefinger.

"I'm a bit out of place. Seeing as I haven't died yet."

Ruka chuckles. "Don't say that--you're leaving yourself wide open for comments about le petit mort."

Miki flushes, just a little. Not nearly as much as he would have a few years ago.

"You'll get there eventually, though," Ruka adds.

"It's overrated," says the other man, very quietly.

"And if you want to get technical," Ruka goes on, "it's him that's out of place. He's not blue."

"I suppose now I'm supposed to ask if it's natural?" Miki says.

Ruka chuckles again, softer now, lips less than an inch from his ear. "If you like," he murmurs. "Or you could just stop asking questions and answer mine."

I never have been very good at this, Miki thinks. Once more unto the breach. Perhaps dead men will be kind. "Kiss me."

fic!, utena

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