
Apr 02, 2008 07:38

So I had this horrible nightmare last night in which I was storing my stuff, and possibly also staying, at kamianya's place, and managed to piss her off horribly by talking about Hebrew translation while she was at work at Dunkin' Donuts, which apparently got her nearly fired or something, and then she wouldn't talk to me at all and I was trying to get my stuff back and for some reason some of her parents took a batch of boxes with them to Delaware, and there was no way for me to get them back on my limited budget, and...


Perhaps this crap has disturbed me more than I thought.

My new nightmare: doing something random that makes people stop talking to me.

In completely unrelated news, anybody want a membership to the Davis Boston Sports Club? That's the shiny new gym over the CVS. It's through the end of the year, with month payments of $60-something. Essentially you're getting a gym membership with a highly discounted initiation fee, as I will be splitting the $50 transfer fee with whoever accepts, so it's only $25 to set up; it's probably paid up through May by now. It is possible to transfer said membership to another BSC location, though I don't know the details. Please email me if you're interested!

And in other completely unrelated news, as of May 1st, I will be fully, nicely, health-insured! Full employer contribution! *dances* FINALLY! I <3 my new job! (There's also a gym in the building which they give membership discounts to, plus I'll be neither living nor working anywhere near Davis, hence the wishing to ditch the BSC. Plus I've been so scattered with the homelessness and such that I haven't used it since January, which seems a waste of money.)

dreams, relationships

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