First character sheet done!

Aug 21, 2007 08:10

OMFG this has been so interesting! So long--far longer than it's supposed to be. (Then again, I do live with Cyn "You don't mind a twenty-page character sheet, right?" Wakefield.) Obscenely proud of some parts of this.

Character profile for Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody.

Quote, from the friends and family section:

Best friends for Alastor means more comrads-in-arms, unless you count the fellow he did all his homework with back at Hogwarts, who he would never admit was Mundungus Fletcher--bad apple he turned out to be. He respects Dumbledore more than just about anyone else, but never really considered himself to know him; Caradoc Dearborn he'd gone drinking with since the first year of Auror training, at least until he had to give the eulogy over an empty grave; Edgar Bones, too, grand fellow, and Alastor had been the one to find the body slumped over his morning porridge with his monocle askew and his wife mangled beside him, and Alastor had been the one to close his eyes; Frank Longbottom, his cousin, closest thing he'd had to a brother until he went to St. Mungo's; Dorcas Meadowes, the only woman he ever met who was both beautiful and entirely sensible, and there was a time when he might have admitted thinking other things about her, too, but by the time Voldemort was done with her she was nothing but a pile of ash, sprinkled like dust round the words written in the dirt in her own blood, kill me, please, just kill me...

And context: this is a character profile for Hallowed Be Their Names, an RPG mllelaurel and I are starting up, inspired by Corpus Delicti, late nights, and characters eating our brains. I'm playing Alastor Moody, Merope Gaunt, and Albus Dumbledore at age 18. A delightful mix! XD So consider this game-pimping...still pulling together the last few introductory posts and technical details, but open to apps!

The battle for Hogwarts is nearing its close. The Boy Who Lived is dead, and with him the last hopes of the resistance. Desperate and drawing on her final dregs of power, Hermione Granger casts one last protective spell over the castle, letting it mingle and war with the wards already in place, its power phenomenal and utterly unpredictable. Stories below, Ron Weasley siezes a chance he could never have expected and commits what might well be the bravest and most foolish act in his short life, aided by his fallen friend's cloak, a stone found in the forest, and a wand seized from his worst enemy.

And Harry Potter, tired beyond measure, boards his last train.

Now Hogwarts is sealed off from the ouside world. The Death Eaters left outside the impenetrable wards are disoriented the sudden disappearance of Voldemort and Harry's body from within their ranks, but that cannot last forever. Inside the besieged castle, the survivors huddle together, unable to contact friends and loved ones, much less hope for reinforcements.

Until the dead start coming back to life...

rpg, contains actual content, hp

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