A post for which this icon is v. appropriate...

Jul 12, 2007 07:17

Final edit of Notes on the Ease of Hypnotizing Time Agents, the second in the Unnamed Series of Shameless AU BDSM Master/Doctor/Jack PWPs With Geekporn and Long Pretentious Titles (USoSAUBDSMM/D/JPWPWGaLPT).

This was an interesting editorial process. The fic had been sitting around for quite a few days during which I Really Wanted to edit it for final posting (I really should kick this first draft in my journal/final draft in archives and comms habit, but I am so much of a comment whore; anyway), and during that time at least one bit of dialogue and transition wasn't sitting with me properly. Those who read both versions will discover that the one line of dialogue in which the Master invites the Doctor to take advantage of a conveniently blowjob-height Jack has turned into a whole little exchange. Smaller incidents of that happened, too, in other places in the fic.

The Master has not yet manifested as a muse-personality in any other way, for which I am somewhat thankful, but he is very, very insistent about his narrative voice. That was part of the changes. The other part was--in the first draft, he was paying a little too much attention to the human and not nearly enough to his Doctor, and this was mostly because of his writer's insecurities and inabilities to write the Doctor, so would she kindly remedy them KTHNXBAI.

And so I did. This is why I call myself a submissive writer. I let the piece be what it will.

Having a Master-voice is interesting.

So, speaking of muse-personalities...

Fanwriter types!

1. Have you ever had what folks refer to as muses? i.e. characters sortof taking on a life of their own within your imagination. (I personally define muse status as a character commenting upon the fic you are writing about them; in other words, a muse is a metatextual mental construct, or something along those lines. Or, if you don't write fic, perhaps they comment upon the source material they originally came from, or their crazy fandom, or so forth.)

2. Has any such muse ever gone to a second level of meta? i.e. becoming aware, not just that people are writing about them, but that they are a mental construct.

3. Have your muse[s] ever hit on you? if so, does this register as vaguely masturbatory?

4. Do you muse[s] ever 'interact' with the physical world, or do they stay entirely in your interior imagination? i.e. do you 'see' your muses, say, walking down the street with you, rather than gathering in your subreality cafe for cups of coffee?

5. Somewhat dependent upon #4, has anyone else ever seen, heard, or felt your muse[s]? Especially more than once, perhaps to the point of consistency, or more than one person?

6. Dependent upon #5, have you come up with a solid explanation? do you consider it a magical phenomenon?

Feel free to pass this on if the subject matter interests you. It certainly interests me.

Yes, at some point there will be a post explaining the full logic behind that, though I'd imagine you can gather some of it. Suffice it to say, life became quite interesting the first time my girlfriend turned to the back seat in bemusement and said, "I can see Jack."

We're all mad here!

Must catch up on fic comment responses when I get home tonight...

fandom, who, writing

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