A few friends list linkages...

Dec 29, 2002 11:46

electricwalrus, you might be amused by the last few entries from mctabby. She went spork. And here I thought that "I relentlessly desire your custard tongue between my eyelids" was just her fangirling my fic with a bizarre come-on.

And the [LJ-less] Caroline-Kechara-Bleudragen complex might rejoice to welcome strange_fire. For it is she who ringeth the hubcap with my bra, she who bestowith the hickey, she who I spent long nights reading Harry Potter aloud to (Shrieking Shack scene! Chapters 32-36 in GoF! Dramatic presentations! Whoo!), she who, at school, read the output of my muses and found it Good and gave me much joyous support. *nods vigorously*

Wrote more of "A Lexicon of Serpents" last night. Prefects meeting. Behold the swarm of unidentified background OCs, two Weasleys, Joe Bones (Susan's grandpa, and eventually to be killed in the war with a certain Slytherin sixth-year) as Head Boy, Minerva McGonagall as Head Girl (naturally), Poppy Pomfrey and a Stebbins amongst the Hufflepuffs, a Random Longbottom and Random Rosier, VacuumCleaner!Dippett, BoredStiff!Moody, OglingMoody!Tom, and lots of stained glass. *nods some more*

writing, random, lj

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