Bunny inventory

Jun 05, 2007 06:48

Current active Who/Torchwood bunnies, small and large, in no particular order. Feel like doing that cookie meme, but a lot of these I've been writing just in my notebook, so I'd have to type them in and I probably don't have time.

Point Alpha - Jack/Ianto - medium - needs one more scene. Just one. Well, one big, agonizing, minefield of a scene. That'll take forever. And also needs a beta. (I can has betaaaaa?) Then it'll be dooooone!

untitled - Ten/Jack - short - the reunionbunny that's been kicking around in my head for aaaages. I have bits of it written, but I think I'll have to discard nearly all of them. I've also decided to wait until after the end of the series, as I don't feel comfortable either setting myself up to be jossed so soon or attempting to write something disconnected enough from plot so as to be somewhat jossproofed. If Rusty kills the bunny, well, it's dead. And if he doesn't, well, it'll still be hard as hell to write, because, dude, Doctor. (Though if he doesn't and signs are promising in that direction, there might also be gratuitous Martha. Huzzah Martha!) Don't find Ten as impossible to pin down as Nine, mostly it's just giving suitable ferret-on-speed effect with dialogue, but...

Illegitimate - Gwen/most everybody - short - I signed up for the June challenge at dw_literotica, because, dude, RUNES, and got assigned nyd/nauthiz/whichever name you know it by, which promptly made my (very fucked up) Gwen-muse go splody. This fic is currently scaring the hell out of me, because it's dealing with pairings that mostly either don't interest me or wig me out (WHY is she shagging Ianto? o.@), and because of the gratuitous subtle Norse mythology references and other attempts to be Literate, and because I'm in the same challenge as amberite and freakin' lordshiva. Yikes! At least I can has beta. (Not usually necessary for short fics, but dude.)

Green - Swanson/Jack - short - the easiest by far, 'cause this just needs a mostly-not-too-difficult edit pass. Should do that soon and porn all over the comms. Poooooorn!

untitled - Nine/Jack/Rose - short - the sequel to Fuzzy. Fun fluffy porn, with synaesthesia, and this would fall into the 'easy' category except, dude, the Doctor. And, as mentioned above, I find Nine much harder than Ten, especially in bed. *keyboard smash*

Five Leaves in Autumn - more of a plotfic, and most of the possible interesting pairings I could list are spoilers - long - I've babbled enough about this already. Except to mention, in this context, that it has two omake (I may well finish them before I finish the whole fic, but they won't be publicly posted until afterwards), both currently untitled, both arising out of Jack's protests that he didn't get properly laid on screen in the actual fic:
- one with Mikage and immortality angst
- one with Ruka and a fencing lesson, and possibly extra Ianto, because he teaches fencing like Jack teaches guns

Aflaaaaaaaack! That's a lot. Particularly given that nearly everything on this list is going to be hard as hell to write. Then again, a lot of things are hard as hell to write these days. I think it's a sign that I need to be doing some serious work. i.e. continuing with the Really Fucked Up Owen/Gwen Train Porn.*

*I have an odd habit of writing porn on the train. Well, I write a lot of stuff on the train, but it's particularly conducive to writing porn. Particularly commuter rail or Amtrak, y'know, real trains, but light rail kinda works. Maybe it's something about being inside a long phallic object moving at a high rate of speed. At any rate, it can be fun, when I'm not writer's cramping or sitting next to little old ladies, and I made a good friend once by randomly mentioning to her that I wrote porn on the train.

fandom, who, writing

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