Fics that make me squee!

May 23, 2007 07:14

In other words, a few recs, assembled from my current open windows. I don't do this often, but I really need to do it more. So much good in this fandom!

In no particular order...

That Elusive Flavor by smithy161. Ten/Jack, with porn. Hot sex and a v. hurty yet oddly sweet discussion of the impermanence of their relationship, both perfectly on-key. Beautifully painful.

Time Fugitive by fajrdrako. Jack/Mal, with porn. Uh-huh, Firefly crossover. One lovely guilty pleasure beginning to end, complete with excellent character voices from the Firefly crowd and one of the best anal sex metaphors I've ever had the pleasure of encountering.

Exorcism by notevery. Jack/Ianto, with porn. (I sense a trend. :/) You know how I bitch about fluffy shippy Jack/Ianto? This is not that fic. This is its perfect polar opposite and I love it. Also, there's something extraordinary she does with Ianto's thoughtstream, Ianto's intellectual training, and anatomy; the style during the first scene especially is guh. Not full pot of coffee in me yet makes for incoherent reccing. Simply let it be said that those are Very Good.

There is a lot of Very Good in this fandom. Hell, there's a lot of Professional Quality in this fandom. Polished, nuanced, literate, perfectly characterized, witty, painful, well-styled, gorgeous.

And then there's this writer.

If you havn't found these fics yet, go. Go, do not pass, do not collect one hundred dollars. You may be saddened by the fact that there are only two, yes--I certainly am--but each of those two is long, and can be read again, and again, unpacking thread after thread of hilarity and agony. The one is Ten/Martha, with porn, and mentions of university-era Master/Doctor; the other is Romana I and Four, without porn, and very high up there in my little (disorganized, so don't ask for it) mental tally of Most Literate Pieces of Fanfiction Ever.

So go. Go forth and reeeaaaaad!

I should do this more often. Especially since I suck balls at commenting. I owe something to this marvelous fandom besides porn.

fandom, who

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