Monday morning blargh.

May 14, 2007 07:00

- On Saturday, had hot sex, lazed about.

- On Sunday, had massive orgy of fandom-pimping--Torchwood to usernamenumber and mirrored_echo, PGSM to mirrored_echo (who is adorable when she's ogling cute Japanese girls) and rivenwanderer, and then we sat about and watched my screensaver. NO RLY. Lack of actual orgies though.

- On Sunday night, finished next bit of Point Alpha. It's odd--after a few recent discussions with folks on my f-list, and general undiscussed frustration with a) the overwhelming amount of bad Jack/Ianto and b) the OMGOTP shippy shippers thereof, I feel really silly writing Jack/Ianto. Then again, I am trying to do so Without the Bad. (It should further be noted that, IMHO, that is not a romantic pairing at all. Friendsex with hatesex subtext, and very fucked up but subtly so. And, yes, hot, but that's mostly beside the point.)

- At some point also (I think Friday?) I showed mllelaurel Snakedance. Huzzah freakish Utena parallels! Huzzah really good serial! Huzzah Evil Hot Tegan! And huzzah Fifth Doctor looking really hot while getting wrestled by guards and threatened with nebulous punishments. Mmm. Hush, Jack.

- Brain no go well, hence not remembering when showing stuff.

- I really need to make sexfilter posts about some of what yunatwilight, ineffablewombat, and I have been up to, because, dude.

- Feel like I'm having full-body PMS cramps now.

- Also suspect there was a lot more I wanted to put into this post, but of course I'm forgetting all of it.

- OH! that was it. Strange and interesting pan-fandom fic archive. It intrigues me. Will probably wind up using it to post copies of My Best Stuff. And if I get a fic featured on their front page within the next week and a half, I get a free t-shirt with a quote, so hey!

fandom, who, tmi, random, rl

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