
Dec 27, 2002 20:52

Saw TTT.

Have not yet finished paper.

Hope I am not screwed.

As for TTT, quite enjoyable. Too much Arwen and some major plot changes, but still enjoyable. Faramir v. yummy. Gimli rocked. Stoned!Frodo somewhat disturbing. Gollum CG v. impressive. Helm's Deep suitably nervewracking, although we lost Counting!Legolas and Gimli. Ents a bit twiggy. Rooting for Decisive!Merry. Great and t00by love for Skateboarding!Legolas, as he much amused me. Use of "Where is the horse and the rider?" fantastic; Theoden nearly had me crying more than once. Elrond narrating Arwen's possible future on Middle Earth uncalled for, but suitably depressing. NearlyDying!Aragorn utterly uncalled for. Oliphaunt made me go squee, although they lost the poem. Joyous Brad Dourif hamminess. Faramir still v. yummy. And the orcs made a turtle! (But didn't cover their sides. Baka.)

Edit: just read new Very Secret Diary. Died laughing. Hobbits small but v. bendy.

misc fannishness

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