Online Idiots

May 30, 2004 09:20

i just found a group online who, in apparent complete ignorance, and taking ideas from me without bothering to credit them in any way, shape, or form (however, i don't mind this last - i never claimed ownership of the concept), have chosen to call their individual warriors "fenniocht".

hahahahahahaha!!!! morons.

for those who know no Irish, the word "fénníocht" means "the way of the fénnid" or "the practices of fénnidi", and "fénnid" means what they are trying for here, plural "fénnidi". i think that they think "fénníocht" is the plural form of "fénnid".

i say that they are taking ideas from me due to their misuse of the word, a word which did not exist online (at least in Google) before i put it there. however, i will note that, given their ignorance, they are expanding on the idea quite a bit. unfortunately, they are also expanding on it in predictable, safe, newagey ways, making a very watered-down, bloodless, Casper Milquetoast version. as the man said, though, if it works for them....

edited to add: anyway, they use Welsh. the appropriate name for a Welsh fénnid would be "herwr", i think.

further edited to add: here's an example of their watered-down ideology:

"Historical Combat: The Fenniocht of Cerddorion Nyfed will learn as much as can be known about the historical methods of combat of the Celts, not in an effort to emulate these martial skills, but in an effort to better understand their strategies and motivations."

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