Sep 14, 2008 16:56
Never been a good month for me.
today reconfirmed the fact.
why is it as humans we will believe in something so much, that we are willing to risk everything for it?
Many will laugh when they read this, but a major flaw of mine is I care too much. I put others needs/cares/feelings before my own. ITs bitten me hard this time. I loved so blindly..I still love so blindly. I isit here and I cant be mad......all I am is sad. What did I do wrong? why are we so willing to trust others with our hearts....and even more...why are some so quick to hurt you. why will others hurt u where they know you have been hurt before.
the wounds feel so deep. I want to be calous towards everything but I cant. i care too much....and its become a double edge sword.
I doubt any of this makes any sense to yalll.....but it makes sense to me.
I duno...guess thats the purpose of life. live and learn.