WiP Amnesty 2014 - starting this Thursday!

May 20, 2014 19:58

So I started this little community on LiveJournal called WiP Amnesty back in 2004, and it’s been a few years since I hosted another round of it. I think we're due!

This year’s WiP Amnesty will run from Thursday, May 22nd through the end of the month.

Here’s the 411 on WiP Amnesty if you’ve never participated/want a refresher:

- Find those stories (or art! or vids!) that are just really never going to finish, resign yourself, and share what you’ve got with the world. It’s been sitting there on your harddrive, lost, forgotten, hated on, cried over, or simply left alone, and it’s time to let go. This challenge is open to all fandoms.

Your chest will feel lighter. (No, really, it's true! 9 out of 10 past WiP Amnesty participants report a distinctly lighter feeling in the general vicinity of their chest.*)

*This statistic is not what one would call "validated" by "science".

People will beg you for more, possibly. You can laugh gently under your breath at them, because the point isn't that you want to write more or work on it more, it's that you want it GONE. JUST GONE. GET IT AWAY. This is your chance for closure, and you're going to take it. Of course, you can obviously do this anytime you want, but this way, you can point at an 'official' type challenge and call it a day.

(...however, all that said, if you would be OPEN to finishing it with the right encouragement, and just lost your mojo somewhere along the way, you can put a sentence in your post saying something along the lines of: MAKE YOUR BEST CASE FOR FINISHING.

If a participant doesn’t put something like that on there, readers/commenters - respect the overall objective of WiP Amnesty, and let them abandon these things well and truly.)


There are several options for posting in this challenge, so pick one:

1) Post on your LJ/DW/tumblr. If you post on tumblr, tag it with "wip_amnesty 2014" so people can whitelist/blacklist as they see fit.

2) Post it on WiP Amnesty. If you choose this option, head it with: Piece Title (if there is one), Your Name, Fandom. So, something like: Fic that Would Not Write Itself by Madelyn, Supernatural. Don't bother tagging it with the fandom; we're not going to use LJ tags to organize the submissions.

3) We have A03 now! I know there’s a lot of us that don’t use A03 for archiving anything but completed stories. If you don’t want to archive on A03 since it’s unfinished, don’t. If you tend to put everything up on A03, please be sure to post to the following collection so that people can easily filter through the works/avoid if it breaks their heart to read something good that will never be completed. There’s already a collection named wip_amnesty over at A03, but I didn’t create it, so the collection to use for this year’s is RIGHT HERE.

**IMPORTANT**: Once you have posted your story using one of those three options above, PLEASE put it into the below master spreadsheet for this challenge. I will be using this to post a completed list of all stories submitted so that people can find the stuff in the fandoms that interest them and cry over what could have been accordingly.


Some semblance of closure can be yours!
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