Nine WIPS; Jade_Dragoness; SGA, Band of Brothers, Dresden Files, Merlin, Transformers, ST: XI

Mar 25, 2010 02:47

I adore the idea of this community though I also developed a tendency to want to thump myself because of it considering how very many WIPs I found. And yeah, I had a lot more than these.

Untitled Dragon!Rodney Fic, by jade_dragoness, Stargate Atlantis, 10,200 words

Untitled, by jade_dragoness, Band of Brothers

The Dark, by jade_dragoness, Dresden Files bookverse, 1,000 words

The Party, by jade_dragoness, Dresden Files bookverse, 1,245 words

Untitled, by jade_dragoness, Merlin BBC, 470 words

Why Are There Always Explosions?, by jade_dragoness, Merlin BBC, 1,470 words, Merlin/Arthur

Back to the Warzone, by jade_dragoness, Transformers movieverse, 710 words

Three Rules a Starship Captain Must Follow, by jade_dragoness, Star Trek XI, 1,295 words

Months in Paradise, by jade_dragoness, Doctor Who/Torchwood, 7,850 words, Ten/Jack


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