Twitter updates to LJ - To cancel or not?

Mar 19, 2009 12:00

So, currently I have Twitter updates posted to Livejournal daily.

I do this because I'm not very good at sitting down and writing regular LJ posts, and I think that a short paragraph of my micro-bogged stuff might give you a vague idea of what I'm up to, if you don't follow me on twitter or facebook.

I've tried to make the daily report less annoying than some, by cutting out @replies and trying to format it a little better.. However certain people on my friends-list are vocally speaking out against this syndication, and I don't know how many more of you dislike it quietly.

So.. What would the majority of you prefer? A daily syndicated twitter post, or nothing?

I still intend to post actual LJ posts, but they tend to be more single-topic rants, rather than "here are all the boring things that occurred to me today." (ie. Earthquakes, floods, fires, and consumerist angst, looking at the past week.)

In case you don't have me added there, here I am on Twitter and Facebook. Maybe they're a better format for small stuff and I should keep it there?

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