To sell or ship

Mar 14, 2007 15:47

Was thinking at lunch today, I'd really like to keep the Hornet.. shipping to Australia, including crating and some customs charges comes to £670 plus some misc admin fees - and then I have to pay 10% GST on the value of the bike (say another £200). Plus charges to get the thing roadworthy, that's probably £1000 all up! Ouch.. but is it worth it?

Sell bike here = get £2000, buy bike in Oz for about £2500-3000 - total loss £500-1000
Ship bike there = spend £1000, but get to keep a "known good" bike - total loss £1000

The aussie bike would be easier to insure as well. Damnit. It's almost even money, and the difference is made in the sale/purchase prices. :(


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