May 24, 2006 01:45

I'm posting this from inside XGL.. and I have to say, it blows me away that it actually works, and it's so amazingly SHINY!
It makes MacOSX's "Aqua" look dated, in terms of blatant use of technology for pretty effects and stuff.
The fact that it appears to work fine with general X apps (eg. I'm watching a doctor who episode in mplayer, and browsing in firefox) is what really surprises me.

For a couple of screenshots, look below the cut tag. They demonstrate the rather cute cube that virtual desktops are mapped onto, a working Gnome setup, and a semi-transparent mplayer window playing over gimp and firefox. The rest of the "feel" and effects aren't really captureable in a static shot.. The way windows distort and wobble as you move and resize them, or menus spring and fade in and out. I'm quite happy admit that most of this is pointless novelty, but hey.. It's nice to be able to say that Linux got there first, before OSX or MS Vista.

Yes, I know this makes me an unrepentant geek..

linux, geek

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