Fic: Out of Nowhere #2 (Kurt/Finn)

Dec 22, 2011 11:57

TITLE: Out of Nowhere - Part Two
SUMMARY: Kurt straightened and dried his face. “Okay, you’re starting to confuse me a little. Do you like me?” “No! I mean, of course I do, we’re brothers... but not like that, I...” Finn trailed off and squeezed his eyes closed. “I walked in on you in the shower.” Kurt’s eyes widened. “When?”
FANDOM: Glee (Kurt/Finn)
STATUS: In Progress - 2/?
DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. This story is a work of fiction and came from the deepest, darkest, corner of my imagination.
AUTHORS NOTE: Written for Day 22 @ adventchallenge

Part One



Kurt wouldn’t say that the staring stopped - not exactly - but the frequency dwindled until he barely noticed the heated glances anymore. Or maybe he was just getting used to them. From time to time he would catch Finn looking at him, but instead of an uncomfortable pricking sensation, all Kurt felt was a warm rush of awareness.

He knew this feeling. He knew what it meant.



Kurt rushed into the choir room and flopped down into the empty chair next to Mercedes. “Am I preening?”

“Are you what?”

“Preening,” Kurt repeated. He lowered his voice, very aware of eavesdroppers. “Am I acting any different? I spent an extra ten minutes in front of the mirror this morning.”

Mercedes eyes narrowed in confusion. “Kurt, what is this about?”

“Finn saw me in the shower,” Kurt admitted, sliding down into his chair and crossing his legs. “That’s why he’s been staring at me.”


Kurt gave her a meaningful look. “He saw me masturbating in the shower.”

Mercedes eyes widened, her lips curling up into a small smile of amusement. “Seriously?”

“Seriously.” Kurt’s eyes flicked across the room as Finn’s strolled over the threshold. Their eyes met and held for a heartbeat before Finn looked away, sliding into his seat beside Rachel.

Mercedes lowered her voice. “Did he watch?”

“Well, I assume so.”

“No, I mean did he watch. Was it a quick glance, or a stick-around-till-the-ending type of thing?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t even see him.” Kurt shifted in his chair. “Mercedes, I think I’m unconsciously encouraging this.”

“How so?”

Kurt gestured to himself. “I’m wearing one layer, Mercedes. One.”

“You are looking very...” Mercedes traced her eyes over Kurt thoughtfully. “Naked, today. Or as naked as you could look anyway. You’re wearing jeans and a t-shirt.”

“I left my cardigan, and my coat, and my scarf, and my vest in my wardrobe.”

“So Finn can see more of you?” Mercedes asked, reaching out and plucking at Kurt’s black shirt.

“God I hope not. Having a crush on a straight guy never ends well. I’ve been down this road before. I know how this ends.”

“Well, just ignore it. Unless you’re planning on making a few more impromptu shower performances, then this should all blow over.”

Kurt stared. “I wasn’t planning on it, but now that you’ve mentioned it, the visual won’t go away.”

“Of Finn watching you, or you watching Finn?”

Kurt’s eyes widened.

“Sorry,” Mercedes apologised awkwardly. “Bad visual?”

There was nothing bad about it. That was the problem.


“You do realise that you’re now the one who is doing all the staring.”

Finn’s voice. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before looking up to see Finn lean his shoulder into the locker beside Kurt’s.

He slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans and cocked his head curiously. “Did you walk in on me in the shower?”

“No,” Kurt admitted, grabbing the books he needed and slamming his locker closed. “I didn’t need to. My imagination is more than up for the task.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that I don’t have to see you naked, to picture you naked.” Kurt slumped back into his locker and looked at Finn. “Sorry. I don’t mean to make this awkward, it just kind of happened.”

Finn shrugged. “It’s okay. I saw you naked and stared at you for a week, I guess it only makes sense that you do the same.”

“But I haven’t seen you naked.”

“Are you saying that you want to?”

Kurt let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes for a second. This had all gone way too far. His heart would never survive this, not again, not so soon after his last ridiculous crush. “I’m saying, that we’re step brothers. If this whole ‘living together’ thing is going to work, then we need to establish some ground-rules.”

“Like what?”

Kurt straightened, facing Finn and lifting his chin determinedly. “Finn, you need to remember that I’m gay.”

“I know that.”

“Do you? Because you’re still staring at me. It may mean nothing to you, but I happen to like guys, and I like them even more when they stare at me. This may be a big game for you, but I used to like you Finn, remember? I used to like you a lot, and it isn’t going to take a lot of attention from you for all those buried feelings to resurface.” Kurt paused and searched Finn’s eyes. “Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

Finn nodded.

“I’m the one who is going to get hurt,” Kurt continued in a softer voice. “Not you.”

“It’s okay, I get it. I just um...” Finn shrugged awkwardly, “didn’t really think about it, I guess.”

“Neither did I. I should have mentioned it that night in the bathroom but I thought I could deal with it - now I’m not so sure - so, if we could just forget this whole thing ever happened, and never mention it again... that would be great.”

Finn paused, eyes tracing Kurt’s face. Finally he nodded. “Yeah, okay. Sorry man.”

Kurt shrugged. “It’s cool, let’s just... try to go back to normal, yeah?”

But Kurt had a feeling that something like that, was much easier said than done.


To be continued... maybe...

fic: pg-13, fandom: glee, fic: fanfiction

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