gotta love that face
[stop the drama. seriously.]
-->hung out with perfection tonight.
we cuddled and talked about the sheep
[which wasnt so baaaaaaaad]
he brushed my hair and scratched my head.
it just doesnt get better than that.
and we talked about how much better it will be
when i graduate and stupid people dont
start drama over the gayest shit.
its so fuckin retarded to get that involved in it.
i mean. if you think something was said or done.
who gives a fuck.
get over it and spend your time doing better shit.
i got the scottster. so im good to go.
6 months next month.
he's in the process of buying a house and loving me.
were going to disney world this summer!
and the andy warhol museum.
and im gonna take him with me to see the play,
"moving out."
so cripflupping excited for prom.
my dress: rules
my date: rules
restaurant: rules
friends: rule
russ maybe giving us his house to party while he's outta town:
cream my pants and roll on the floor.
*scott's spending the night friday and saturday.
going to langley saturday to chill in the pit at the track.
scott's racing next weekend.
i made uber posters and shirts to represent!
he's so fucking beautiful.
and if you dont believe me, well you got the fuckin pictures above.
eat shit and die.