Welll, I haven't updated in a while, so I guess I will.
It snowed last night!! How cool is that? I'm not sure why, but I got really happy and excited when I saw the first snow fall. And yesterday I ran into Jason and Jaron Langberg, some guys I went to school with since elementary school. I hadn't seen them in forever, and it was fun catching up. They got CUTE, believe you me. And I've always had a soft spot for Jason, lol. And I got New Moon! Sequel to Twilight, one of the best books I've read in a while. Friday was a good day.
Last Sunday though, after work, I got a bad voicemail from my mom, called home and found out my grandma, my mom's mom and the one grandma i've been around most of my life, had died Saturday night. So that wasn't a lot of fun. And my mom was supposed to go to Scotland that Tuesday, and she'd been really excited about it and couldn't wait to go, but she decided not to after grandma died, since she would just have been sad the whole time and there was a lot of things that had to be straightened out, like the will and what would happen with all my grandma's stuff and etc. So I was sad that my grandma died and sad that my mom wasn't going on her trip.
I also have two more days at Waldenbooks and then I won't be working there anymore. I got a job at the UAF library as a circulation assistant. I start Wednesday and I should be working about 14 hours a week. I don't think it will be too hard.
I've finally started working on my story and have the prologue working. I'm going to try and crank out a chapter every week or so. I have it posted on my deviantart account (
http://wynterstar87.deviantart.com) and I got an accout at Elfwood, so I'll have a place on there too. I'm going to try and find a livejournal community to post in too, but so far all i have found are fan fiction places, which isn't quite what i'm looking for.
I hung out with Brittany a couple nights ago and we have thai food from the Thai House and it was soooo good!! *drools* I freakin love pad thai. I always eat way too much of it when I get it because it tastes soooo good.
Welllll, I think that's all for now. I'm going to drool over the thought of having pad thai now...