Today's big graphics post of love

Dec 30, 2005 16:00

Flist has provided me with so much icon and graphic love lately. I have been saving these up for a few days, so here goes:
miss_jaffacake has created a Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion moodtheme.
The always wonderful rrreverb has a group of gorgeous, shiny Star Wars IV: A New Hope icons. ladymargaret has created a series of icons from her favorite childhood/adolescent fantasy book covers here. Here is a gorgeous set of Finland in winter icons, a neat set of black/white/red Spooks icons; thelondonrain has created two sets, one of gorgeous random photos, and another of Eric Bana and Munich that can be found through this link; here is calendae's set of beautiful rain and carnival icons, and gorgeous icons of Pre-Raphaelite art made by wikidwitch.

Finally, to ring in the New Year in proper graphical style, the always wonderful mariarita, who has made tons of icons that I love, has created a fabulous set of New Year's icons here at her community italian_jewels. You have to join the comm to see the icons, but all of mariarita and jewelles2's work is fantastic, and worth the membership.


star wars, doctor who, art, random icons, icons, eric bana, spooks, munich, icon reccs

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