(no subject)

Mar 24, 2009 23:00

I went to see Kurosawa's Dreams tonight, which was wonderful, and I'd like to post about it later.

This is something I've been meaning to post for DAYS. The Mentalist, episode 16, "Bloodshot," is my favorite episode thus far. I suppose I don't need to say that I've rewatched the end of the episode a ridiculous number of times, and it leaves me with a big smile each time.

(Spoilery) Picspam because I'm that pleased with the episode, but also because Grace was so beautiful she deserves a showcase.

Jane discovers the bomb through a wet glass.

Too late to stop the bomb.

Yup, that's Jane flying through the air. No wonder he ends up blind.

Tamlyn Tomita! It's been ages since I last saw her.

Just because.


Jane's hand is either really big or her head is rather small.

Rigsby waits for Jane's assessment of his tea-making prowess.

Hmmm, Jane's not impressed.

This is Grace's face after Jane touches a secret nerve.

Jane has sad eyes.

Face off!

"Oh, thank god!" Grace cries as yet again Lisbon saves the day. Insane is watching a handcuffed Grace verbally try to guide a blind Jane drive a car while they're trying to escape a crazed gunman.

Relief is finding Rigsby alive.

I swear that's a tear drop hanging on the lashes of his eye.

It needs to be said again, Grace was so gorgeous in this episode!

picspam 2, simon baker, tv, the mentalist

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