(no subject)

Mar 08, 2009 19:15

Just when I thought I was really, finally moving on from JE...

It's been more than three years now since I first discovered JE with SMAP, and by the end of this month, it will be three years of KAT-TUN.

These last couple months, my interest has waned quite a bit - the proof is not just that I haven't yet watched the Queen of Pirates DVD sitting on my bookshelf, but more significantly that until today I hadn't watched the 'One Drop' PV, any of the recent lives, and worse, when my 'One Drop' singles arrived, oh, I don't know, was it two weeks ago? I put them on the shelf along with the rest of the singles, and I didn't even bother taking them out of their plastic. I just couldn't be bothered. Not to mention that 'One Drop,' while not an awful song, isn't terribly inspiring. And the only reason I've heard it at all is because I haven't broken up with Kame, so I'm still watching his drama...

Today I watched the 'Rescue' PV, and I'm happy to say that there's still a spark. First, I like the song, which means everything of course - it's nicely complex, especially compared to 'One Drop.' And the PV is interesting. :D It's fun! The choreography is good, the editing isn't too crazy-fast, and I'm always happy to see both male & female backdancers to liven things up. ;) It's a PV that I actually wanted to watch again, and so I did. :)

On the minus side, however, I watched the 'One Drop' PV as well, and it didn't do much for me. I thought their lip-syncing was awful most of the time, and I'm the last person to think that posing with enormous stretch vehicles is sexy or cool. It's so ostentatious that my brain automatically turns off, so that did nothing for me. I did like the costumes, however, and they all looked pretty.

I managed to watch all the lives as well, and I'm still amazed at the 20 Feb. performance, which if the ear monitors are to be believed, was really live, which makes all the high notes even more impressive. I didn't think they had it in them! ;) And of the new music over both singles, I like '7 Days Battle' quite a bit.

...so I guess I'm not done with KAT-TUN quite yet! :) (aren't you glad I'm not making any bad jokes about 'Rescue' reviving my JE love?)


'Kami no Shizuku' Picspams: Episode 7 | Episode 8

KAT-TUN PV Picspams: 'One Drop' | 'Rescue'

jdorama: kami no shizuku, je 2, kamenashi kazuya 2, kat-tun

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