Doctor Who, 4.3, "Planet of the Ood" picspam and quotes

Apr 22, 2008 23:25

For darkeyedwolf, just because. ♥

Doctor: "Better?"
Donna: "Lovely, thanks"
Doctor: "Comfy?"
Donna: "Yep!"
Doctor: "Can you hear anything inside that?"
Donna: "Pardon?"

Donna: "Blimey, a real proper rocket!"

Donna:"This is the Doctor. Just what you need, a Doctor."

When the PR lady says "It's just a siren for the end of the work shift," I heard END OF THE WORLD SHIFT.

Donna: "Why'd you say miss, do I look single?" (The look the Doctor gives is fab)

Donna:"Is that why you travel round with a human at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so that you can take cheap shots?"

Donna: "I can't hear it."
Doctor: "Do you want to?"
Donna: "Yeah."
Doctor: "It's the song of captivity."
Donna: "Let me hear it."

Donna: "Take it away, I can't bear it. Sorry."
Doctor: "It's okay."
Donna: "But you can still hear it!"
Doctor: "All the time."

Donna: "You idiot. They're born with their brains in their hands, don't you see, that makes them peaceful! They've got to because a creature like that would have to trust anyone it meets!"
Doctor:"Nice one."
Donna: "Thank you."

Doctor: "These are really good handcuffs!"
Donna: "Well, I'm glad of that. At least we've got quality!"


Donna: "It's weird, being with you, I can't tell what right and what's wrong anymore."
Doctor: "It's better that way."

doctor who, picspam 2, david tennant

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