Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi screencaps, various episodes

Feb 29, 2008 14:15

[I'm not really back yet; halfway back? The screencaps were burning a hole and begged to be posted]

I'm now caught up through episode 6 of Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi!
I know that a bunch of you are watching it, and I'm so, so glad that I've managed to catch up, because I'm really enjoying it, despite its slower pace.

The plot is so strange, and the deer are incredibly creepy (which is fitting), but I like fantasy-type stories, and this one in particular is very interesting in how it imparts Japanese mythology.

The good? The mythology is neat, but the best part is Ayase Haruka. I thought so before, after my big big love for her in Hotaru no Hikari, but now I'm absolutely positive. I think I could watch this girl read a phone book because she's just that cute. I'm so grateful to Kame's drama, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, for introducing me to her!

jdorama: shikaotoko aoniyoshi, ayase haruka

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