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anamuan October 16 2007, 00:54:36 UTC
Why: I got an lj because nihongofrancais and katrinastrife made me while I was in Japan? I stick around, because it's generally a fun distraction from all the stuff I should be doing. I like to keep a journal in general and typing is easier than writing, but lj is nice because it has some social aspects--i can use it to keep up on what friends (near and far) are up to, and make new connections based on shared interest and interaction.

What for: I would say that mostly it's life, but it's not restricted to just that. That's probably partly because while I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing my email, I'm not so good at compartmentalizing my brain, so whatever is on my mind comes out. So whatever urge strikes me is what people get (which is mostly just life).

How: That usually depends on how much energy i have whenver it is that I'm posting, and then again on the content of the day. If I'm excited, I flail; if I'm upset, I vent; and once in a very very long while, I might say something intelligent (or try to) ;)

I'm not sure you could really say I play to the flist or not. And a big function of my lj is just to keep a record of what's going on for me for myself. On, the other hand, it's a mostly public journal, and most of the people on my friends list are people I actually know in some way or another. So a lot of my entries are the kinds of stories I'd tell my friends if I ran into them in person. I view it as a kind of interactive space, so things are addressed to 'other people;' but I'd say that the only one really dictating what gets posted is me. I feel like if that's boring for you, you're under no obligation to read it.

I also have a tendency to mix random other languages (which I may or may not speak with any degree of fluency) into the posts, which now that i think about it, might be annoying if you can't read them--particularly Japanese. When I first opened the lj, it wasn't an issue because all the people who read it knew Japanese. And then as the flist grew, selfishly i decided that well, it's my journal and I can do what i want with it.
I think I post how I talk, or would talk if I could, because I'm conscious of not throwing in random Japanese when I'm talking to people who I know don't speak it.

I would say however, that if I were to post on a community (directly to the comm, or with a link back to my own lj), then those posts have a target audience and probably reflect that.

recently some friends (nihongofrancais and mycroftnext)and i got a joint fic journal, but if it weren't for their suggestion, i don't think I'd ever have considered it. I don't mind just throwing everything in together.


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