
Jul 24, 2007 13:02

Hmmm, headaches make me rather grumpy.

ranty mcrant )

rant, cherry blossoms, photography, enthusiasm

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koalathebear July 24 2007, 17:32:31 UTC
Gah, you read my mind again. I just saw two more negative posts that really offended me because they came from unexpected sources. I can't think of a time in my life where I've complained and said: "I wish so and so wouldn't post so much about x topic". I only complain if they rant all the time or bitch, but if they're posting about things they love, even if it's puppies, piglets, jdramas, numb3rs, bones, cross-dressing otters then I'm happy to read it or skim over it. I am really saddened by the notion that - someone else's glee/happiness/enthusiasm somehow damages my own. That would reflect badly on me as a person I think. I must write more about this topic on my own journal but thank you for saying this, I was feeling kind of alone on the issue.

I realise that there are some people who feel 'pressured' into reading HP when they don't want to, but everyone on my LJ is just reading it - I can't think of a single person on my LJ who has said: "You must read it!" or even "you should read it." Then I read a really wonderful review and was barrelling along and enjoying it because it was so well-written and then the person rather condescendingly said: "Well it was fun even though it's not great literature." I just don't understand why the final statement had to be thrown in.

What was wrong with just saying: "Well it was fun." Why does the 'but' somehow reassure everyone that the writer is intellectual?

Sorry I'm ranting here, I shall rant back at my own journal :)


winterspel July 25 2007, 20:45:17 UTC
I was replying to you yesterday when my LJ died. So the fabulous reply I wrote yesterday evaporated and I'm sure this one will be a poor imitation. ;)

For starters, you can always rant in my LJ, and you know that. Really, truly. :)

I am really saddened by the notion that - someone else's glee/happiness/enthusiasm somehow damages my own. That would reflect badly on me as a person I think.

You've said exactly what I believe here, and I thank you for being so succinct. And you're not alone - I've been feeling frustrated about this issue and it all just exploded. Similiarly the snobbishness, condescension and elitism bug me, too. If you enjoy something, why should anyone have to make excuses for it? What's the point in saying that XX isn't great literature or even great children's literature - isn't it enough that it was fun and enjoyable? I'm glad for anything that whisks me away from my every day world and absorbs my attention and makes me feel. Isn't that at least some of what art should do?

And I do love what you wrote in your follow-up post. Thanks for writing it. :)


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