Jun 21, 2007 01:03

o1. I don't think I could love "Your Side" more if I tried. I find it a bit sick how often I've been playing it lately. I've even been humming it! And in a related matter, last week's performance on cartoon KAT-TUN is my most watched video clip of the week.

o2. I've been catching up on cartoon KAT-TUN, and I have to say that as much as I adored the Smile Athletics of 2007.06.06, I think my favorite guest so far has been Maya Miki (2007.05.30) who was warm and charismatic and I loved how she interacted with the band. DATTUN 5 with her after Smile Athletics was also terrific - and I was sorry that she and Kame lost! :D In any case, she was a real pleasure to watch, and she was also the first guest who interested me as much as I was interested in watching KAT-TUN.

o3. This week's cartoon KAT-TUN! I loved Kame in the red shirt so much, and he laughed like crazy, which always makes me happy, so here's a little picspam, Kame-heavy.

akanishi jin, nakamaru yuuichi, picspam: kat-tun, kat-tun, taguchi junnosuke, ueda tatsuya, cartoon kat-tun, je 2, picspam: ckt, kamenashi kazuya 2, tanaka koki

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