Cartoon KAT-TUN 2007.05.02 screencaps [updated]

May 02, 2007 20:10

yeah. A stupid number of screencaps. Er..I don't know what I was thinking. *_*

I deliberately tried to include some more Nakamaru for anamuan and Ueda for Karen. :)

...well, that was fun. *wink* I'm looking forward to the subs.

ETA: somaisgood has done a very nice (and funny!) summary/picspam here.

akanishi jin, nakamaru yuuichi, picspam: kat-tun, kat-tun, taguchi junnosuke, ueda tatsuya, cartoon kat-tun, je 2, picspam: ckt, kamenashi kazuya 2, tanaka koki

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