Want pics? JE image files [updated] [updated again!]

Mar 14, 2007 09:10

Poor darkeyedwolf lost all her image files in a computer meltdown, and has asked for help in replenishing her collection. My image files aren't that spectacular because I alternate between being very fussy about what I save and very non-discriminate. So, in short, the collection is a mess, with only the most rudimentary organization. I didn't have time to go hunting for everything, so this is what I had on three hard drives, and I'm sure there are more files lurking on the other hard drives, but I couldn't be bothered to consolidate anymore. Of course, it's mostly KAT-TUN, Jin, Kame, and Yamapi with bits of other things thrown in there. Ganked from everywhere, as I imagine most people's collections are, but for sure I got images from boys_paper and Hadaka no Johnnys. I didn't scan anything, blah blah blah. If any are your scans (and you can tell from among the hundreds of images in these files), don't hate me for not crediting you. This is an emergency relief operation, after all. ;) These are zipped into .rar and on megaupload.

KAT-TUN (146.72 MB)

Jin & Kame images (180.45 MB)

Other JE images, including Akame & Yamapi folders (170.82 MB)

JE doujinshi (25.88 MB) (just a couple I found on my HD, some from boys_framed)

One thing I discovered while hunting around the hard drives last night are lots of screencaps that I never posted, so there may be a Gokusen 2 picspam coming whenever I get around to it. Episode 9 was so pretty! :)

ETA: angelacaduca has generously shared her images which can be found here (J-bands + w-inds, 149.89 MB on MU)

yamashita tomohisa, media, news_je, akanishi jin, nakamaru yuuichi, kat-tun, taguchi junnosuke, ueda tatsuya, je 2, matsumoto jun, kamenashi kazuya 2, takizawa hideaki, tanaka koki

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