A few gleeful things

Dec 29, 2006 09:47

It's always nice to come home from vacation and find happy mail waiting for you. When I got back from the Great Middle of Nowhere Wednesday night, there were many packages waiting at my door: 2 packages from CDJapan, one from Marillion, one from Amazon (with another prez for N) and there were cards! Somehow in all the exhaustion and clamor of coming home and turning the heat back on, unpacking, etc., I didn't actually go through the entire pile of mail until I got home from work last night...and therein found my card and ficlet from acchikocchi! It's entirely wonderful and incredibly creative, and I love it so much, darling. I keep unfolding it and reading it over and over again! :)

SO...the boxes from CDJapan contained my December loot: 2 versions of "Bokura no Machi de," plus the new T&T, Kinki Kids and also the Tatta Hitosu no Koi OST. I was rather puzzled when I opened the box with the T&T in it because the box was quite long and I didn't understand why they needed a long box to pack three cd cases. Well, it turns out that they sent me a nice T&T poster as well (which is not on my receipt and I have no idea why I got it because I'm pretty sure it wasn't listed as any kind of promo item). Of course, the pity is that I don't know what I will do with it as I have nowhere to hang posters anymore...and N is creeped out enough by the Kame uchiwa I pinned up....I think having Takki & Tsubasa staring down might be a bit much. *laugh* But gosh, it's definitely very pretty! Eeee!

The two new CDs from Marillion are also love: they contain the live performances from night 2 (Smoke) and night 3 (Mirrors) of the 2005 convention in Minehead, UK (which I attended), so these 2 new live recordings, coupled with Marbles by The Sea (first night recording), means that I now have live recordings of all three nights of the 2005 Marillionweekend. Gods, I love my band! I also received my Marillion/Brazil/14 T-shirt, which makes me extra gleeful and N even likes the look of this one!

Enough babble. More updatiness later...

music, mail, je 2, takki & tsubasa, marillion, kat-tun, kinki kids

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