More LJ Housekeeping, Torchwood

Dec 19, 2006 08:50

A thousand apologies: If a post you could previously see has disappeared, particularly if it contained media, that is because it is now f-locked. So sorry! If you want to see it, you know what to do.

I finally finished watching Sunday's Torchwood which was amazing and emotional and unexpected. With each additional episode that I watch, I realize more and more how much I love this series and I want to write pages and pages about how good and how human it is - I am constantly surprised by the tone they achieve and by the emotional development they continue to feed us. This is only tangentially science fiction, in the pop media sense (aliens, technology, space and time travel, etc.), but in the REAL sense of science fiction, this is one of the most intensely human dramas I've seen in recent Western television. It's All About People, folks, about character development, about emotional development, and everything has consequences...and there are NO EASY ANSWERS.

If I ever find time, I desperately want to write a proper essay on everything I love about Torchwood.

And one last note: I am woefully behind on replies to comments. :( Again, a thousand apologies. Most of them require more than two brain cells to rub together, so I'm not ignoring anyone, just struggling to find time and words to write proper replies.

lj, torchwood

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