Some stuff (yeah, not feeling too descriptive today)

Nov 28, 2006 15:46

- Folks, I don't bite. Please don't ever be nervous or embarassed to introduce yourself (only if you want to, of course!). This LJ has never been a fandom-only place and it has always been a friendly place. It's about my life, which includes fandom and all kinds of other interests, and it's about having a sense of community. It's about the people that meet here and touch each other. Sure, we all share our interests, and we squee, etc., but many of us also learn from each other, become friendly and even support each other. These things only happen in a relaxed environment. So please, just take off your shoes, pull up a chair and make yourself comfy. No need to stand on ceremony. Add me if you want to, delete me if you want, comment/don't comment - it's all up to you. Please see my welcome post for more info. Now I hope no one thinks I'm being a pretentious quack for writing all that. ;) It's just...I can't imagine anyone being nervous of little old me. I'm about as harmless as they come. :D

- I saw this cool bunch of links at about iPod in Japan, November 2006."We've updated last year's report from Tokyo with new observations of the streets, the subways, and the stores - including a cool video. Now we've added a little more on Apple's Shinsaibashi, Osaka store, as well." (from
The photos are pretty neat.

- And finally, an iPod public service announcement: if for whatever reason, you need to copy media FROM your iPod TO your computer, please read this tutorial. I personally use Podutil and I have had no problems with it - it's a snap to use.

lj, ipod, tutorial: ipod to computer transfer, tutorial, ilounge

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