Hmmm (poll for lurkers under the cut)

Nov 11, 2006 13:22

(Originally posted 2006.11.09 at 13:12)

When I walked to the metro this morning, I listened to SMAP's Vest collection, which made me very happy and put a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Of course, it also helped that it was unseasonably warm, and there was a clear blue sky and gorgeous morning sunshine. I desperately needed to feel the sun on my face, and it was lovely and perfect. Would that all November mornings could be so! I can hardly believe it's November on a day like today. Every single person who has gone out to lunch today at work has come back glowing and grinning and bubbling with how nice it is outside.


I had hoped that I would have the 1 Litre of Tears review and picspam up by now but photobucket has been a snot lately, so I'll have to wait till it (and LJ, which is still giving me fits and weird hiccups) calms down before I can post.


In the meantime, I leave you with this, as evidence of my superior brand of self-conscious dorkiness. This is especially for anyone who bookmarks my LJ (and you can throw tomatoes at me afterward):

I've wondered for several months why people visit my LJ, because I know that a lot of people bookmark me. Once upon a time I had a really tiny, extremely humble and private LJ that few people knew or visited. Somehow things changed after I got involved a little bit in the Kimura Takuya/SMAP fandom and much more so after I got involved in the KAT-TUN fandom and began posting regularly about jdoramas.

I've tried to suppress my natural curiosity as to what everyone is here for, and by everyone, I don't mean necessarily the people who have added me (since I can sort of guess for you guys), but really all the people who bookmark me. I know it's really super dorky to think about these things, but I've finally given in to my curiosity and made a poll. Don't feel like you have to do it, of course. It has nothing to do with anything - I just want to know what you're here for, and I won't hold the answers against anyone! *grin*

Furthermore, I certainly don't plan to adjust my posting patterns based on the answers, because I'm incapable of writing my LJ for anyone but myself. So for better or worse, y'all are stuck with what you've seen so far. And now that I've made a total ass of myself, here's the darn poll. Feel free to stick forks or other sharp implements into me and be as honest as you'd like if you have any comments or criticisms - you can always comment anonymously. I promise, there shall be absolutely NO retribution. Besides, whatever you want to say is my fault anyway, since I asked for it! :P

(And just a gentle reminder, for those of you who HAVE added me, LJ has made it really easy to delete me, should you ever grow tired of my posts plagueing your flist - just hover over my icon on your friend-list and a handy pop up will provide a "remove friend" option. No hard feelings.)


*Kill me now* for being so stupid. I promise, I'll try not to be this dorky again. ;P

ETA: I am not looking for compliments! *dies of embarassment* Just information. There is no need whatsoever to comment unless you feel you must, and you sure don't have to say anything nice. I am definitely not a comment whore - I only want to understand why so many people have been bookmarking me...*runs away*

lj, being stupid, why are you here?, poll for lurkers, random, poll

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